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Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.

World Dairy Expo 2024

Meet You There

Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.
Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.

Heading to the 2024 World Dairy Expo?
Check out Compeer Financial’s sponsored events and let’s connect while you’re there.

Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.

TanBark Talk

Securing the Future: A Candid Conversation about Dairy Farm Transition Planning
Date Time Place
Tuesday, October 1 9:00-11:00 AM Held at the Tanbark in the Arena Building & Online for Folks at Home

Join Compeer and Peggy Coffeen, host of the popular UpLevel Dairy podcast, for this interactive session that will tackle the challenges and opportunities of transition planning head-on. Experienced, multi-generational dairy farmers, financial experts and legal professionals will delve into the critical aspects of transition planning, including:

image description
  • Understanding generational differences in communication and goals.
  • Navigating financial considerations from estate planning to debt management.
  • Ensuring a smooth legal handover including business structure and buy-sell agreement.

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the discussion, ensuring they leave with a clear roadmap for a successful business transition plan. In-person attendees will also receive a voucher for a free item from the famous Grilled Cheese Stand!

Can’t make the Tanbark Talk in person? Sign up to view the event online via livestream or to receive a recording after the event.

Register for the Livestream

Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.

Virtual Farm Tour

Vandoske Dairy Farms

Date Time Place
Thursday, October 3 10:00 AM Held in Mendota 1 of the Exhibition Hall

During the Expo's Virtual Farm Tours, dairy owners showcase their operation’s history and evolution, current business practices and strategies for growth with time for questions and an open discussion afterward. Vandoske Dairy Farms, a third-generation operation in Cleveland, Wisconsin, opens their doors to share about their modern practices and dedication to quality. They manage more than 600 registered Holstein cows and 1,100 acres of alfalfa, corn, wheat and soybeans.

Vandoske Dairy Farm Family 2024

Their operation boasts an impressive rolling herd average of 30,400 pounds of milk with cows that are milked three times a day in a modern double-eight parallel parlor and reside in comfortable free-stall barns. Recently, Vandoske Dairy invested in the construction of a new calf barn and a new barn to house elite show animals. This summer, Vandoske Dairy constructed and opened a retail storefront to sell their delicious ice cream directly to consumers.

During Expo's Virtual Farm Tours, dairy owners and managers share a visual presentation with time for questions and an open discussion afterward. The 2024 Virtual Farm Tours are below.

Virtual Farm Tour Schedule

Click the HTML icon in the toolbar above to edit spacer height.
TO EDIT: Change the class="spacer-3" to any number between 0 (none) and 5 (most) to resize a spacer. Ex. class="spacer-5"
Vertical spacers are responsive and 50% smaller on mobile than on tablet+.

Connect with our Dairy Team at the Show

Our Dairy lending experts have decades of experience serving dairy producers and we're committed to providing personalized service to help your business achieve its full potential. We would love to connect and learn more about your operation.

Compeer is more than just a lender. Our team has decades of experience serving dairy producers and we're committed to providing personalized service to help you achieve your full potential.

We offer a wide range of services, from customized financial planning to industry insights and benchmarking data that keep you ahead of the curve. Our knowledgeable professionals can help you explore innovative solutions to improve your efficiency and profitability.

Let us get to know you and provide the resources you need to remain competitive in a business that doesn’t stand still.

Let's Talk